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Recap of the Top Stories of 2007 - Top Stories of Sep 2007
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For this holiday we will be looking back over to top stories from this past year.Here are the stories that caught the most attention in September.
Hannah Montana Not Impregnated - Top Story of 07
Hecklerspray reports: Hold the phone! There's a young female Disney star out there who doesn't go around putting it about like a common tart - and that young star is 14-year-old Miley Cyrus from Disney's Hannah Montana, who absolutely isn't pregnant. 

That didn't stop the whole wide internet believing that Miley Cyrus was pregnant yesterday, though, when a report claiming she had a bun in the oven - with quotes apparently from Miley Cyrus herself saying things like "I'm going to take good care of my baby" - was spread around various websites at lightning speed. 

But now it's emerged that the whole Miley Cyrus pregnancy story was all just a hoax that got out of hand - and a good thing too. Although if the story had been true, who could possibly blame Miley Cyrus for getting pregnant at 14? After all, Miley's father is Billy Ray Cyrus, and if a girl can't validate her crippled sense of self-worth stemming from years of taunts about her Dad's spectacularly dreadful haircut by sleeping around like a hooker, then what can she do?- more on this story

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Rihanna Rips Off New Order? - Top Story of 07
antiMusic reports: Blogs are burning up with speculation that one of Rihanna's songs is nothing but a blatant rip off a New Order hit. A YouTuber caught the similarities in the songs and decided that mash-up evidence was in order so he produced a pretty amazing mix of the two songs/videos. 

While this shouldn't be very surprising to anyone given the derivative and unoriginal nature of modern R&B these days, one person going by the name of usernamemyarse on YouTube decided that video proof was needed and put together Rihanna's "Shut up and Dance" with the New Order hit "Blue Monday" to show people how much of rip off it appears to be. 

The main part of the video is the New Order song playing over Rihanna's video with parts of the her song synching perfectly with "Blue Monday". What happened to the R&B tradition in the modern age? It appears to be just as bad as almost every other area of entertainment from movies to TV, with inferior copies of the original being presented as something new.- But judge for yourself. 

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Rocker Breaks Back - Top Story of 07
antiMusic reports: A member of Supergrass fell out of a window while sleepwalking and broke his back and heal. He is expected to recover but it will take time causing the band to cancel their planned homecoming show. 

Mick Quinn was staying in a villa in the south of France and sleepwalked out of a ground floor window. The bass player and vocalist broke two vertebrae and smashed his heel according to the BBC. 

He was taken to spinal unit in Toulouse and a specialist operated to repair the broken vertebrae and heal. While he is expected to make a full recovery from the injuries, the recovery will take several months. Luckily the band only has one gig scheduled in near future.- more on this story

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Anthony Explains Van Halen Snubbings - Top Story of 07
antiMusic reports: As we reported a couple weeks ago Van Halen's snubbing of founding bass player Michael Anthony has gone beyond not inviting him to participate in the reunion, the band also removed his songwriting credits from the 1984 album and briefly removed his image from the album art on their official site, replacing it with Eddie's son Wolfgang. Now Anthony reveals that the bad blood reaches back to before the band's 2004 reunion with Sammy Hagar. 

In a new interview, Anthony says that he found out about the current reunion with David Lee Roth online and confirmed the rumor that Eddie Van Halen tried to keep him from taking part in the band's 2004 reunion with Sammy Hagar. 

He explained where the bad blood came from. "[Eddie] was always put off that I was going out and playing with Sammy when we weren't doing anything. It wasn't like I was doing it to spite anybody. I was just tired of sitting at home and doing nothing," Anthony tells Rolling Stone. "Sammy asked me one day if I would like to come out and maybe make an appearance at one or two of [his] shows and have some fun, and I said, 'Yeah, great.' It kind of snowballed into me coming out and doing a few songs with him here and there."
- more on this story

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Axl Vs Security Guard - Top Story of 07
antiMusic reports: A Staff Pro security guard has filed a lawsuit against Axl Rose claiming that the Guns N' Roses frontman kicked him in the head during a concert. Axl must have kicked him hard because the lawsuit alleges that the kicking took place ten years before the actual concert. 

The guard, Gary Armijo, filed suit in the Los Angeles Superior Court on August 29 and claims that during a concert at the Gibson Amphitheater in Los Angeles in December of 1996, Axl "intentionally kicked [him] in the head proximately causing severe physical injuries." We were at the show in question (it was December of last year) and did not witness such a headkicking, but there was a spot where someone tossed a drink on stage and that set Axl off a little, so it may have happened then. [antiGuy later told me he saw the kick -ed] 

Of course, Axl says this lawsuit and allegations are BS. At least his attorney does and says they have video to prove it. Howard Weitzman, Axl's attorney spoke with TMZ shortly after they ran a story about the lawsuit and said, "The allegations in this lawsuit are frivolous. There is video of this incident which contradicts the allegations against Axl. Axl vehemently denies he did anything wrong which will be proven via witnesses and the video. Unfortunately anyone can file a lawsuit whether it has merit or not. In my opinion this is a pathetic attempt to get money from Axl."- Read the lawsuit here (especially if you never knew Axl's birth name). 

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New Bohemian Killed - Top Story of 07
AP reports: Jeffrey Carter Albrecht, a keyboard player for the band Edie Brickell & New Bohemians, was shot to death early Monday while trying to kick in the door of his girlfriend's neighbor, police said. 

The neighbor believed a burglar was trying to break in and fired a shot through the door around 4 a.m., Dallas police spokesman Sgt. Gil Cerda said. 

"He was at his girlfriend's house last night," said Danny Balis, Albrecht's roommate. "He left the house and went next door and - for whatever reason, which we don't know - he knocked on the neighbor's door. And from what I understand, he was persistent. I don't know if there was a verbal exchange, but the person panicked and fired a shot through the door."- more on this story

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It's Ok to Urinate On Fans - Top Story of 07
antiMusic reports: Bring Me The Horizon frontman Oli Sykes has gotten away with urinating on a fan. The band's label issued a short statement: "A charge of Common Assault against Bring Me The Horizon frontman Oli Sykes has been dropped by the Crown Prosecution Service on grounds of not enough evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction. 

"The 20-year-old singer was charged with Common Assault on the 8th of April this year after a 26-year-old woman he met at Rock City, Nottingham, accused him of splashing urine on her dress whilst she was present on their tour bus." 

Drowned in Sound tell a bit different story of the incident. They say that he was said to have urinated on a female fan before throwing a bottle at her, leading to a facial injury and a witness at the time reported: "He called her a dyke and first pissed on her before him and the rest of the band threw her and her friend off the bus"?- read the DiS story

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Disney OK With High School Musical Nude Photos - Top Story of 07
antiMusic reports: High School Musical nude photos are ok with studio bosses. Things sure have changed at Disney since Walt passed away. Even a few years ago if nude photos of one of their stars surfaced, said star would get the boot. Now all the star has to do is issue an apology. Now all the star has to do is issue an apology. Keep in mind that this is the same Disney that is censoring metal bands at the House of Blues at Disneyland. 

Rumors flew over the weekend that Disney had fired High School Musical actress Vanessa Hudgens after nude photos of the 18-year-old starlet surfaced online. She supposedly snapped the photos for her boyfriend and co-star Zac Efron but someone got their hands on them and posted them online, according to Contact Music. 

She of course issued a statement. "I want to apologize to my fans, whose support and trust means the world to me," Hudgens said in the statement. "I am embarrassed over this situation and regret having ever taken these photos. I am thankful for the support of my family and friends."- more on this story

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Osbourne Blames Courtney Love For Son's Drug Addiction - Top Story of 07
antiMusic reports: Mother of the Year Sharon Osbourne is trying to place the blame for her son's drug addiction on the shoulders of Courtney Love. Of course, any sane mother wouldn't let their children near someone like Love but Sharon is clearing pointing the finger outwards towards Love, claiming she got her son Jack hooked on hillbilly heroin. 

Sharon apparently believes that Courtney Love encouraged her then 15 year-old son Jack to take Oxycotin. This begs the question of what sane parent would let their kids hang around a known junkie? (both Love and Jack have since cleaned up). 

"I will never have time for Courtney Love. There's not a shadow of a doubt about that. My dislike for her is very personal," Sharon said according to Gigwise. "I'm not saying Jack wouldn't have taken it if she hadn't given it to him, but I'm appalled that an adult mother would give that to a 15-year-old boy. How could she do that to someone else's child?"

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Coldplay To Shortchange Fans on New CD - Top Story of 07
antiMusic reports: Prospekt has struck again. For non-Coldplay fans, Prospekt is the signature being used on the band's online journals. This time Prospekt offers up some details on the band's upcoming album including some likely song titles, and more importantly that fans will only get nine songs and album under 45 minutes in length. 

The blog was dated last week but the official Myspace didn't make mention of it until Monday. It says that the band have returned to the studio to resume work on the new album but also says "The plan has always been to make a short record. No more than 42 minutes. 9 songs (give or take)." 

That doesn't mean that they are only recording nine songs. The journals says that the band will release at least two songs independant of the album. "Expect a short, concise record with no fat and at least two top-division tracks released independently"- more including some song titles and a hint at the new thrash metal style for the band 

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"Dick in a Box" Wins Emmy - Top Story of 07
antiMusic reports: The SNL boyband spoof "Dick in a Box" took away a Creative Arts Emmy for best original music and lyrics. The Andy Samberg and Justin Timberlake song became an internet hit when the uncensored video appeared online. YouTube has logged over 26 million views to date. 

The Christmas time spoof included such not ready for prime time lyrics as "You know it's Christmas and my heart is open wide / Gonna give you something so you know what's on my mind / A gift real special, so take off the top / Take a look inside / it's my dick in a box". 

Timberlake was not on hand to accept the honor but his co-star in the video, Andy Samberg, was. "I think it's safe to say that when we first set out to make this song, we were all thinking 'Emmy'," he said. "The other thing we were thinking was 'hey; here's this young up and comer, Justin Timberlake, who is clearly very talented and could clearly use a break." 

If missed the video, or need a refresher you can watch the uncensored version right- here

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Kid Rock Beats Up Tommy Lee - Top Story of 07
antiMusic reports: Something exciting actually came out of the snoozefest better known as the MTV Video Music Awards. Seems Kid Rock gave Tommy Lee a beatdown during the ceremony. Rock first bitch slapping Lee then punching him after Lee antagonized him according to a witness. Now Kid Rock is facing jail for doing what so many have wanted to do. 

Hecklerspray details the fight. "At some point during last night's MTV VMA show, Pamela Anderson's ex-husbands Tommy Lee and Kid Rock got embroiled in some kind of schoolgirl slap-fight that ended when Kid Rock punched Tommy Lee, who was then dragged off by security." 

"It looked like Tommy Lee initiated it because Kid Rock was ignoring him," rap producer Rich Nice, who was two tables away told AP "And Tommy Lee kind of antagonized him. And then when Tommy Lee stood up, it looked a little weird, like 'Yo, what?' When Tommy stands up is when Kid hit him the first time with a backhand. And then Tommy Lee looked like he was trying to get at him to aggressively retaliate and then Kid Rock hits Tommy Lee again - bong. And then security grabs Tommy Lee in a headlock and pulls him off." 

Of course, Tommy sees the whole thing in a different light than the witnesses.- read that comedy here

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Kanye Vs Britney - Top Story of 07
antiMusic reports: Kanye West is a bit angry at MTV and especially Britney Spears. He can't fathom why the short attention span network would choose a performance of a generic pop song from Britney over him performing one of his generic raps. He took the opportunity to slam Spears and the "Music" channel. 

Britney opened the MTV Video Music Awards show on Sunday and as soon as she lip-synced the final note, the web lit up with bloggers and reporters giving their 2 cents on the underwear clad poptart's performance which was pretty much universally panned as a "bomb". They were even less kind about her appearance. Of course, Kanye West absolutely hates it when anyone aside from himself gets any attention and in this instance he does have a legitimate complaint that MTV put up the not ready for a comeback Britney over him, since he does have a hit song right now and a new album that comes out this week. When you add to the fact that he didn't win any of the five awards he was nominated for and you're asking for a classic Kanye tantrum. 

"Honestly, I really don't care. I don't give a f**k about Britney performing," West said according to Gigwise. "I should have opened the MTV awards because 'Stronger' is the number one song in the country. It just shows you that you have to do sh*t to get ratings, and maybe they feel like they will get more ratings with Britney."

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Outlaws - Skynyrd Legend Dies - Top Story of 07
antiMusic reports: Outlaws founder and one time Lynyrd Skynyrd guitarist Hughie Thomasson passed away Sunday night at his home in Brooksville, Fla. "He went out to dinner with his wife Mary on Sunday (Sept. 9), went home, got comfortable in his favorite chair to watch football and then passed away from a heart attack during a nap," according to CMT. 

Lynyrd Skynyrd issued a statement on their website "With our deepest sympathy we have lost another one of our brothers to the rock and roll heaven. We had many a good time writing and playing with Hughie and spent many miles on the road together. God bless his family and all the fans that love Hughie for his playing and singing. Out hearts and prayers go out to his family. He will be truly missed. Fly on Free Bird." 

Thomasson was a founder of the legendary southern rock band The Outlaws and stayed with the band through several lineup changes, breakups and reformations. During their career they produced 13 albums and amassed a loyal following. Following one of their breakups, Thomasson joined Lynyrd Skynyrd in 1996 and stay with them up until the 2005 reunion of the Outlaws.- more on this story

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Motley Crue Fired Tommy Lee? - Top Story of 07
antiMusic reports: Is Tommy Lee Motley Thru or not? His bandmates won't return his calls but he says he is still a member of the band. So did they fire him? The news that Lee was out of Motley Crue broke this week when the press got their hands on the amended lawsuit the band filed against former manager Carl Stubner, which said that Lee "recently informed [bassist Nikki] Sixx and [guitarist Mick] Mars, the shareholders of MCI [Motley Crue, Inc.], that he was resigning from the band and his resignation was accepted." 

Now Lee has reportedly issued a statement contradicting that. It reads, "I am a founding member of Motley Crue. Based on internal band issues aired publicly, my future with the band is uncertain. I have tried to meet with my bandmates repeatedly without success but have informed them that I'm not walking away from my band of 25 years. 

"It troubles me that the current legal issues which were filed by the corporations against my personal manager are separating us and causing more dysfunction. I hope we can work this out amongst ourselves."- more on this story

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Hank Williams Legacy Coming to Hall of Fame - Top Story of 07
PR reports: The Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum's major new exhibition, Family Tradition: The Hank Williams Legacy, Presented by SunTrust, which opens on Friday, March 28, 2008, for a near two-year run, will explore the connections between country music's most iconic figure and his creative heirs - both biological and musical - and examine the ways in which American music continues to be measured by the standards Hank Williams set. 

Presented with the full cooperation and assistance of the Williams family, the exhibition will use artifacts, instruments, song manuscripts, costumes, photographs, computer interactives, moving images and more to explore the connections between Hank Williams and his progeny, and his enduring impact on popular music. 

Additional support is being provided by the Museum's official Family Tradition media partners: Great American Country Television Network, Cumulus Broadcasting and The Tennessean- more on this story

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Fan Impaled At Concert - Top Story of 07
antiMusic reports: $5 was just too much to ask to see Papa Roach, Hinder and Buckcherry for one fan but he paid a bigger price when he got the business end of a iron spike while trying to scale a 12 foot fence to speak into the concert. 

Contact Music has the story: A Papa Roach fan is recovering in hospital after impaling his thigh on an inch-think spike while trying to climb a 12-foot iron fence to gain access to the Bad Boys of Rock concert in Pennsylvania. 

Firefighters had to cut part of the fence away as the unnamed rock fan fell in and out of consciousness at the York concert on Wednesday (11Sep07), which also featured performances by Hinder and Buckcherry. The fan underwent surgery on Wednesday night.- more on this story

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Nine Inch Nails Disbanding - Top Story of 07
TuneLab reports: Nine Inch Nails main-man Trent Reznor announced that his group's current lineup will disband after their final show of the tour on September 18th in Honolulu, Hawaii. 

"At this point, I want to switch things around a bit," he said. "Nine Inch Nails as a rock band configuration, we've done it and we've done it again. I see other ways I can present the material in concert, more challenging, something new. I don't want it to go stale." 

"This group has toured together for two years", he said. "It's a well-rounded concert, a good collection of songs from different records."- more on this story

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Nude High School Musical Star Sued - Top Story of 07
antiMusic reports: We do have a ban on Disney coverage right now but we can't resist a story about a Disney star making lesbian photos. That's not the focus of the story but that's what caught our eye. Funny how the Goofy company can ban metal bands but when one of their kiddy show stars has provocative photos pop up online, they act as if nothing happened.

Hecklerspray have the story: If you ever wanted proof of how successful Disney's High School Musical cable movies have been, you only need to look as far as Vanessa Hudgens. A series of lewd Vanessa Hudgens photos have been posted across the internet recently, showing 18-year-old Vanessa Hudgens naked and playing at being a lesbian - and still High School Musical fans have rushed to Vanessa's defence, claiming that Hudgens is only doing what any normal teenage girl would do. While we'd argue with that judgement - we've met plenty of teenage girls in our time, and getting them to send us naked lesbian photos of them has proved to be damn near impossible - you have to respect the passion of her followers. 

One of Vanessa Hudgens' old lawyers has decided to sue her for $150,000 over something to do with Vanessa Hudgens that shockingly doesn't involve any amount of teenage nudity whatsoever. 

E! Online reports: The scandal-tinged High School Musical star was sued Monday for breach of contract by her former lawyer who says that the 18-year-old hasn't yet paid a $150,000 bill. In his complaint, Brian L. Schall claims that Hudgens has raked in more than $5 million from songwriting and recording deals that he helped negotiate starting Oct. 1, 2005- more on this story

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Hagar Addresses Van Halen Reunion - Top Story of 07
antiMusic reports: KNAC posted a preview of their candid interview with Sammy Hagar. The full interview is set to run this weekend acording to the site but they did post the portion where Sammy discusses the Van Halen reunion and the exclusion of Michael Anthony. Here is that exchange - I know you love playing music with Michael Anthony, so that being said, what does a Van Halen reunion mean to you without Michael Anthony….or David Lee Roth's original hair? 

Hagar: "I wouldn't do it without Mike. On the last reunion, and I'm telling you this straight up - this is stuff I've never really said actually - they wanted to throw Mike out then. Why? I don't know. I still can't understand why Ed has it out for Mike. Mike is the nicest guy in the world, and he's an unbelievable player. He's also an incredible singer and a professional. Mike is a guy who goes out every night and does a perfect job - a 10 every night - it's not even a 9.5. Why would you want to get rid of a guy like that? I don't know what happened between them somewhere when I wasn't around, but I just said, 'no, I won't do it without Mike.' My manager said, 'you put a gun in Mike's hand to negotiate with these guys.' I said, 'you're damn right because I'm telling you, the agency, the promoters and the band that I will not go out and do a Van Halen reunion show without Michael Anthony.' 

"Obviously, someone else doesn't feel that way because Mike isn't there. Honest to God—it's none of my business. If Eddie wants to play with his son, fine. I love my son too, but I got him a different job. (laughs) I just think that it should be Mike. They will do good without him, and it's a shame. At the same time, I just think the fans are gonna walk away with a little bit of a disappointment because Mike's a big part of that band."- KNAC

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MCR: Emo's A Pile of Sh*t - Top Story of 07
antiMusic reports: Someone better tell all of those My Chemical Romance fans to throw away their mascara and turn their frowns upside down because the band's frontman Gerard Way says in a emotional new interview that his band has nothing to do the "pile of sh*t" that is emo. 

Brett Sowerby conducted an interview with Way for The Maine Campus. Most of the questions were from students at the university but this one was not attributed to a student and really seemed to make Gerald "emotional". Here is the exchange: TMC: I understand you don't really like the term emo to describe your music. Is there anything you'd like to say about that? 

GW: Basically, it's never been accurate to describe us. Emo bands were being booked while we were touring with Christian metal bands because no one would book us on tours. I think emo is F--ing garbage, it's bulls--. 

I think there's bands that unfortunately we get lumped in with that are considered emo and by default that starts to make us emo. All I can say is anyone actually listening to the records, put the records next to each other and listen to them and there's actually no similarities. I think emo's a pile of s--. [we took this test here at antiMusic and couldn't tell the difference]- full interview here

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Bouncer Hospitalizes Singer - Top Story of 07
antiMusic reports: A club bouncer sent Stereophonics singer Kelly Jones to the hospital with a serious injury. The band was at the London nightclub club Amika following an appearance at the Vodafone Live Music Awards and got into an argument with a club bouncer as he was leaving the establishment early Thursday morning. 

The Press Association reports that "The altercation, allegedly with a member of the club's security team, left the 33-year-old bloodied from a deep 2in gash to his forearm." The band reportedly issues the following statement: "Kelly and friends were leaving the club when he had an altercation with an over-zealous security guard. 

"As a result of the ensuing fracas, Kelly badly injured his arm and is currently in hospital, where he has been since the early hours of this morning awaiting a consultation with a surgeon."- more on this story

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System of a Down Beating Puts Rocker in Hospital - Top Story of 07
antiMusic reports: It turns out that Mastodon guitarist Brent Hinds' mysterious head injury suffered following the MTV Video Music Awards wasn't inflicted by random thugs, it seems the injuries that landed him in a Las Vegas hospital came courtesy of System of a Down bassist Shavo Odadjian and musician by the name of William Hudson. 

A quick refresher for those that do not remember the original report, Hinds suffered brain hemorrhaging, a broken nose, and two black eyes as a result of the beating. The Las Vegas weekly did some digging and found out more about the incident as well as who is involved, they report: "an inebriated Hinds was leaving Mandalay Bay around 3 a.m. when he encountered Odadjian and musician William Hudson at the hotel's west valet area. Hinds took off his shirt and hit Odadjian with it, then struck Hudson in both the face and chest, prompting Odadjian to advise Hinds 'to relax,' several times. 

"The police report then indicates both Odadjian and Hudson punched Hinds in the face, knocking him to the ground. An unidentified friend of Hinds, who reportedly witnessed the event, rushed to the musician's aid and apologized to Odadjian and Hudson, saying Hinds was 'just drunk,' according to the police report. Odadjian and Hudson were both questioned by police on the scene. No charges had been filed at press time, though the police report lists Hudson as a 'suspect,' facing a possible charge of 'battery with substantial bodily harm.' The police report lists Odadjian as a 'witness.'"- 
- Read the Las Vegas Weekly report 

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Britney Hit and Run - Top Story of 07
antiMusic reports: It's not a poorly written Fox nighttime soap although it may seem very similar to one. No, it's the life of pop singer Britney Spears and in this week's episode the falling pop tart gets criminally charged with hit and run and driving without a license after hitting a parked car and driving off on her marry way. Maybe she was late to lip-synching practice? 

Apparently Spears played bumper Mercedes outside a vitamin store in Studio City back on August 6th. Her Mercedes reportedly dinged a parked Mercedes and she was photographed getting out of her car to examine the damage before she decided to hit the road. 

The owner of the car that Britney hit, hoped that the poptart would somehow do the right thing and make good on the damages but after three days, gave up hope and filed a police report.- more on this story

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Bon Jovi Rehab - Top Story of 07
antiMusic reports: The bad news is that Richie Sambora is reportedly back in rehab. The good news is he won't likely be the only celebrity in group therapy as he's checked into the same facility as teenybopper star Lindsay Lohan. Maybe she'll talk him into appearing on her next album? Are maybe they'll ride off into the sober sunset together on his "steel horse"? 

The Bon Jovi guitarist first entered rehab in June to treat a drinking problem that some fans reported at the time came to a head during the taping of a performance for MTV Unplugged. He received the spin dry treatment at the UCLA Medical Center but apparently the week long treatment wasn't enough. At the time his spokesperson told "Richie Sambora has completed a program at the UCLA Medical Center. He is doing well and continues to receive outside support." 

Apparently that "overnight" treatment requires an additional rehab stint at another facility. This time he checked into Cirque Lodge in Utah, which is the same rehab facility where Lindsay Lohan is currently receiving treatment.
- more on this story

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White Stripes Sex Tape? - Top Story of 07
antiMusic reports: Is there a new video on the web showing Jack giving Meg a "Icky Thump"? Is this what made Meg so anxious that she had to cancel the White Stripes tour? One site speculates that there is and posted some photos to let the readers be the ultimate judge. 

The posted a series of stills from the video saying " it sure does look like Meg but one cannot be 100% certain. And given the climate of fakes these days, one has to question the authenticity first. The guy in the sex tape does look a lot like early photos of Jack back in 1998." Remember the speculation that they were brother and sister? Icky Thump indeed. 

The site further speculates that this new sex tape might have something to do with Meg's anxiety which caused the band to cancel their tour plans a couple days before they were set to kick off. We speculated at the time that less than expected sales might have had something to do with it. but this puts an interesting spin on it. - [the band later denied this was Meg]

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Congress Vs Rap - Top Story of 07
antiMusic reports: Make no mistake America, Congress really cares about kids! Today they held a hearing tackling the number one issue facing young Americans. No, it's not toxic toys (and food) imported from China, it's not the coming Social Security crash, it's not an announcement that they will stop buying special interest votes by placing crushing debt on the younger generation ($400 K for a child born today) to fund their "programs", it definitely wasn't the overcrowding of schools and drop in the quality of education due to illegal immigration, and it's not even a bill to stop the exporting of millions of jobs. It's a far more important issue that threatens our future. That's right, the House held a hearing about rap lyrics. 

The House Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection held a hearing on Tuesday to examine the most important issue facing the nation, hip-hop. "Our representatives" heard stirring testimony from rappers about what is wrong and what is right with hip-hop. Master P couldn't apologize fast enough for using the word "bitch" in some of his past songs. 

On the other side of the coin, rapper David Banner says he is just keeping it real. "I'm like (author) Stephen King: horror music is what I do," he said according to Contact music. "If by some stroke of the pen, hip-hop was silenced, the issues would still be present in our communities. Drugs, violence and the criminal element were around long before hip-hop existed." 

If you are so inclined you can write your "representative" and tell them how much you appreciate them looking at the important issues instead of the frivolous ones. You'll find the contact information- right here

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Want Some Van Halen? - Top Story of 07
antiMusic reports: YouTubers are going crazy over a new video captured of Van Halen performing "Everybody Wants Some" during the rehearsal show in Los Angeles on September 16th. Overall the fan response has been overwhelmingly positive and seems to be energizing fans for the reunion tour which kicks off on Thursday in North Carolina. 

Here is just some of the fan reaction. max00k9 writes "Holy crap! Man this tour is gonna bury the Vanhagar era for good. This is what the f*** has been missing since Dave left VH pure rock and entertainment. With Sammy it was just zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz boring say bye bye to Vanhagar music for good! Eddie knows it why the hell would he have kept attempting to bring Dave back like 4 times, EVH knows they were at their best with Dave." 

ljquigley says "Not bad...sorry am a Haggar fan at heart. Makes ME feel old looking at them, tho. I'm" The footage had the opposite effect on fulcher33 who writes, "My God, I feel like 25 years have been erased off of my life and I'm 14 again. I'm not a very religious person but I'd like to thank God for making this happen."- Judge for yourself right here

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Elton Address Child Porn Investigation - Top Story of 07
antiMusic reports: As we reported yesterday, a photo owned by Elton John has sparked a child porn investigation in the UK. Elton's website posted a statement about the photo in question and says that it has been exhibited around the world without issue in the past. 

Here is the statement: The photograph entitled "Klara and Edda belly-dancing" (1998) is one of 149 images comprising the "Thanksgiving" installation by renowned US photographer Nan Goldin. 

The photograph exists as part of the installation as a whole and has been widely published and exhibited throughout the world. It can be found in the monograph of Ms Goldin's works entitled "The Devil's Playground" (Phaidon, 2003), has been offered for sale at Sotheby's New York in 2002 and 2004, and has previously been exhibited in Houston, London, Madrid, New York, Portugal, Warsaw and Zurich without any objections of which we are aware.- more on this story

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Spector Mistrial, Judge Threatened - Top Story of 07
antiMusic reports: Celebrity Justice in the US continues it's losing streak with prosecutors failing to convict another celeb. This time "Wall of Sound" record producer Phil Spector convinced enough of the jurors in his murder trial that the victim died of suicide to deadlock the jury. And authorities are also investigating a Myspace murder threat against the judge. 

The judge in the trial declared a mistrial after the jury declared they were hopelessly deadlocked. But prosecutors haven't given up, they plan to take Spector to trial again where he faces 15 years to life if found guilty of murdering "b" movie actress Lana Clarkson at his home in 2003. 

Meanwhile, the judge in the case, Larry Paul Fidler, is taking some heat online with Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department investigating a murder threat posted on Myspace.- - more on this story

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Fan Killed At Pumpkins Show - Top Story of 07
Gigwise reports: A man has died after an incident in the crowd at a Smashing Pumpkins concert in Vancouver on Monday (September 24th). Police say the man was unconscious when he was pulled from the crowd after becoming involved in either a moshing or crowd surfing incident. 

He was then taken to the side of the stage at the PNE Forum where first aid personnel worked on him before he was transferred to St. Paul's Hospital, where he was later pronounced dead. 

Const. Howard Chow said that police had "determined that there wasn't any foul play or suspicious circumstances involved," but admitted that the death "could" have been the result of an out of control mosh-pit.- more on this story

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