Screw the mainstream
if you really want to get your rocks off you have to go to the underground.
That's just what we plan to do with this series, take some of the best
emerging bands that are out blowing away hardcore fans on the underground
music scene.
The Golords
By Goth Brooks
Golords - California Rock & Roll
Label: Long
Beach / Skunk Records
Holy Shit! Someone, I can’t remember who,
told me that The Golords’ sound leaned towards pop, or power-pop, or power-poop,
or whatever the hell you want to call they sound. What a sucker I was for
believing that. What we have here is loud, dirty rock ala Street Walkin’
Cheetahs, New Bomb Turks and kind of even reminds me of Turbonegro at times.
This CD is loaded with surprises, both
musically and lyrically throughout the 14 songs contained on this disc,
without a bad one in the batch.
I’m noticing “some real genius” in main
man Kenji Easley’s songwriting here. It doesn’t hurt that there’s some
mighty sweet guitar leads being played here neither. No squeal like a pig,
hammer-on, rockstar bulls*** here. Just killer rock & roll that’ll
knock you the f*** out!
The Golords Bio
After a couple of years of tweaking songs,
interchangeable guitarists, and preparations; the debut album is here.
“California rock'n'roll” marks the beginning legacy for four devout rock'n'roll
fans creating the music that they love.
The Golords were named after a SNL skit
that parodied the Thunderbirds; a kids program from the seventies involving
marionettes, spaceships, and protecting the universe. Much like the Golords
of SNL and the Thunderbirds, the band the golords are here to protect and
serve the rock'n'roll community from pre-fab, executive programmed, diluted,
over produced, and watered down rock/pop music that we are inundated with
on local stations. But don't get them wrong. If someone wanted to put them
on a payroll, train them to dance, dress them up , and have them do the
four part hip-hop harmony, of course they would oblige. Their work would
be much more effective from behind enemy lines.
So now the work is in play. Promotion of
the new album, spreading the message to the public that rock'n'roll never
went away and that vocals, guitars, bass, drums, and great songs is all
you need. Until of course they get a synthesizer, and a horn section. Then,
that's all they'll need. Not leaving out new clothes, SUV's, facials, and
a house on Maui. But lets not get ahead of our selves, this is after all
serious frickin business.
the CD and Get to know The Golords by checking out their official website