Top 5
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antiGUY gives his
top 5 list of music stuff. Could be songs, people, a stupid trend... nothing
is sacred to antiGUY
Months Top 5
Top 5 cheesiest songs
Last month we looked at the Top 5 cheesiest
band names. We soon discovered there are a lot more than just 5 as the
readers contibuted a ton of band names that I simply overlooked or didn't
think of when coming up with that list. This time I thought it would be
fun to continue that theme and look at the cheesiest songs. I know that
this list could easily be the Top 100 cheesiest songs of all time, but
I'll stick to five and let you guys fill in the rest. I decided to
concentrate on some of the more recent songs, but a few slipped in from
years past. Are you ready? Here are my top 5.
5. Thong Song - Sisqo
4. I'm too Sexy - Right Said Fred
3. Ache Breaky Heart - Billy Ray
2. Who Let the Dogs Out - Baha
And the number one cheesiest song(at
least to me)
Cherry Pie by Warrant