Top 5
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antiGUY gives his
top 5 list of music stuff. Could be songs, people, a stupid trend... nothing
is sacred to antiGUY
Months Top 5
Top 5 signs that you are a trendy
I don't think this Top 5 needs an introduction
aside from saying trends come and go but the sheep remain the same.
5. You use the phrases "Oh My Gawd",
"You know" and "You're just jealous" in the same sentence.
4. You think Eminem is a musical
3. You believe that Blink-182 is
a punk group
2. You think your life is over
if you miss an episode of TRL
And the number one sign that you are
a trendy
You traded your Backstreet Boys CDs in
for N SYNC
Bonus: You actually debate who is
better? Britney or Christina?