Top 5
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antiGUY gives his top 5 list of music stuff.
Could be songs, people, a stupid trend... nothing is sacred to antiGUY
Weeks Top 5
Top 5 anti-love songs.
In honor of Valentine's day and the fact
that antiGIRL ran off with some cyber geek who just made five million in
an IPO, I thought I would share with you my favorite antilove songs. Am
I bitter? Sure am, that's why I am cranking the following tunes all day
long to celebrate the dreaded Feb. 14th. When I told Debbie about
this Top 5 she quickly made some additional suggestions of songs, although
together we came up with way more than five... here are my top 5 picks.
Top 5 anti-love songs.
5. Mean to Me (Why you gotta be so mean
to me) by Tonic
4. Dance all over your Face by KISS
3. Tear Me In Two by Stroke 9
2. Love Stinks by the J. Geils Band
the number one....
Hate Everything about you by Ugly Kid Joe
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