Boys with the Bleeders |
Goth Brooks
and Where? The Galaxy Theatre -- Santa Ana, CA. 11/30/00
Special Props from Goth:
I get into writing the review of this show, I’d like to throw down some
mad props to the Galaxy Theatre for all the extended professional courtesy
they’ve shown me lately with all the access and photo passes. I don’t
know if I can legally put your names out over the Internet without a release
of authorization, but I’m sure you know who you are.
The Bleeders were first to take the stage,
and from
the moment these “greezy” sons-a-bitches stepped up there for the Galaxy
crowd to take a gander at, it was a high octane, foot to the floor, straight
to hell race with the devil. The Bleeders play the kind of revved-up
rock n’ roll that inspires the ladies in the crowd to get up and get their
go-go on, and the guys to keep buying the ladies rounds of drinks.
The Bleeders consists of Ruben Rivera on vocals, Mike Rouse on bass, Clint
Gonzalez on guitar, and Paul Fox on drums. It seems The Bleeders
obsession for all things Elvis and all things having to do with roots rock
has never gone away and they use their love of this music to their full
advantage when
they throw in their own ingredients to the mix. So, what exactly
do The Bleeders sound like you ask? The Bleeders sound exactly like
nobody else but The Bleeders, and those Electra-fine dancers are pretty
cool too daddy-o!
Whoah! Or in the words of my fearless
editor upon
seeing the pictures of TOILET BOYS vocalist Guy, “OH - MY - GAWD!!!”
TOILET BOYS are definitely not for the faint of heart. I was already
aware of the brazen drag queen persona of frontman Guy, and the ambiguous
sexuality of some of the other members of this band, but nothing could
have prepared me for seeing them up close and in person for the first time.
As I stood mesmerized by the glitz and the glamour up there on the Galaxy
stage, the one question that kept crossing my mind was, “Where was this guy
(Guy) when I was in the SHU program at Pelican Bay five years ago?
If Dr. Frank N. Furter from The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Vince Neil
had a baby, TOILET BOYS vocalist Guy would definitely be that baby.
When I finally got to putting the question of the TOILET BOYS blatant or
questionable sexual preferences aside, I was well into banging my head
to their kick ass brand of Young, Loud, and Snotty Rock and Roll.
The TOILET BOYS are at the top of the heap of all the New York bands right
now, having made themselves
known with appearances on The Howard Stern Show in New York, and in the
L.A. area over the past few months with a live show that spares no expense
on the kind of stage theatrics and killer pyrotechnics not seen since Alice
Cooper in his “Welcome to my Nightmare” heyday, or KISS on their Destroyer
tour. There’s a lot more spectacular going on here than what any
little rock ‘em--shock ‘em androgynous New York rock
band could do. What the TOILET BOYS are doing is far beyond comparison
to all the second rate theatric and pyro filled rock shows of up-n-coming
bands. TOILET BOYS played an hour-long set of songs that everybody
in the crowd seemed to know the words to. A TOILET BOYS show isn’t
just a show, it’s a party not seen since the Grandmaster of ceremonies
Diamond Dave ruled
the roost on Van Halen’s Fair Warning Tour. Guy sings the songs,
Sean and Rocket play guitars, Adam plays bass, and Electric Eddie plays
the drums. Sean is made up to be the killer guitarist in the band
but Rocket gives the songs solid support with his lightning fast pick hand
and muted strumming
while Sean handles more of the pyro in the show. Eddie plays rock
steady beats with such ease that he oughtta get himself a T.V. back there
so he don’t get bored.
Gotta have some more?
Don’t miss the chance to see TOILET BOYS
opening for Orgy on some of the Vapor Transmission tour dates. Also
be sure to check out www.toiletboys.com
Check out The Bleeders official website
at www.thebleeders.com
and download free Bleeders MP3’s at www.mp3.com/bleeders.
Purchase Music online
for the Toilet
Boys and the
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