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by Dolly Doppelganger

The latest sifi tv show to cash in on the recent popularity of vampires, werewolves, aliens & robots is Glee. I've never watched the show, so I'm just guessing based on the WONDERFUL listening party I just attended on their website.
"If Robots Could Sing" was by far the best original song of the pack, (called 'Get it Right' in UK, Canada, USA) a lyrical defense of the robot cast's extensive need for autotune, repeatedly pleading with the listeners to understand that 'What can we do when good isn't good enough?' and other suck\h lines that knocked me onto the floor to roll around howling hysterically before I'd even heard the entire thing!! The unintended irony of the lyrics in that gem definitely earned Glee my sympathy!!!! Rush right out & buy the album & paint the lyrics to this one song on your living room walls to remind you to love & pity them while you're watching the show & hating the technological apex that autotune represents!!!!!!!!

There was a bunch of awesome, incredible, outstanding cover songs, taking the listener on a musical odyssey of 'what would happen if Pink, The Beatles, Maroon 5 & others had used autotune?' I'm tellin ya, the past has never sounded so perfectly fixed!!!!!! Every band of yesterday with living members remaining REALLY should update their entire music catalogue!! Modern bands too!!!! Or just turn over the musical rights to Glee & let them fix it up!!!

Hopefully by season 8978564 of Glee, they will have sufficiently plundered the world's musical treasure mine of its riches & we'll all know how the past could have sounded so much better!!!!! Obama really should take this on as a pet cause & order them to start on this humanity enriching project immediately!!!

I give this glee soundtrack 87 quadrillionjillionbillion stars, cuz it's the best thing that exists, the most hi tech, the most internet flavored, computer colored thing you'll ever hear!!!!! BUY IT!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!! (but don't try to sing along, you'll NEVER sound this good!!! No one will- even the Beatles, Maroon Five OR Pink!!)

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