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A Day To Remember - What Separates Me From You

by Dan MacIntosh

It's difficult to figure out A Day To Remember. On the one hand, vocalist Jeremy McKinnon sings like the helpless victim. Then the next moment, he is the insensitive boob that yells, "Get the f*** over it" during "2nd Sucks".

McKinnon also declares, "Without me/You would not exist" on "2nd Sucks". The song is one of the most unmelodic songs in recent memory – even by metal standards. It has a monotone bass line, colored by an off-key guitar part. McKinnon "sings" it as though he's trying to scream over the next door neighbor's backyard stereo. It really doesn't sound like the singer and band are even in the same studio together at times during this song.

It's a good thing A Day To Remember chose "All I Want" as one of this album's singles. Instead of a lumbering, bludgeoning instrumental track, like "2nd Sucks", "All I Want" is packed with vocal harmonies and a "woah-ho" chorus. The guitars are equally melodic, and there's even a circus music-esque guitar part bridge. Why doesn't the band do this kind of music from start to finish?

A good therapist might advise McKinnon that when you tell someone else, "Get the f*** over it," you're putting up a wall, not building a bridge. And there are so many songs on this album that deal with troublesome relationships. Friendship is all about making compromises and finding solutions to problems. Any 'My way or the highway' attitudes just won't help.

Maybe this is an overreaction, but one may well wonder what kind of an affect A Day To Remember's thinking is having on its many-times young audience. God help us if these are the sorts of young people we're raising! Sure, it's only music. But when you're 16, sometimes music is everything.

If A Day To Remember created more innovative music, they might have caught a break from this reviewer. But these are worrisome ideals, expressed through noisy and annoying music. A Day To Remember has given us What Separates Me From You, which is an album to forget.

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