It's a good thing the ever-expanding indie genre still holds a place for groups like this, who don't sound like Interpol or The Strokes! Rap your mind around that! No guitar downstroking, no hi-hat Franz Ferdinand drum beat, and no quiet-part-loud-part emo dynamics. Just goofy, energetic authenticity.Twisterbait mix electronics with dancey indie tunes, where bouncing beats support bluesy riffs and processed vocals. The drums and bass are humongous in the mix, making it damn near impossible not to at least nod along (if not to throw your hands in the air and / or wave them like you just don't care.)
The group really is unclassifiable. Their sound is like if Moby and The Talking Heads had a baby who was addicted to crack. I'm sorry if your mind just painted the ugliest picture you've ever seen, but that's really the only simile that fits.
But they do grab influences from a bunch of random groups. "Dead Man" is like what Nine Inch Nails might sound like if Trent Reznor had a good day ever in his life, and "Popstars" sounds like it could be a long lost Ween outtake – especially in lyrics like "I am the most fun here! Have no fear! I am the fun one here!"
Of course, both of the above associations took a stretch of the imagination to conjure, and I get the impression Twisterbait take a good amount of pride in the fact that they don't really sound like anybody else out there. And accordingly, I've got to tip my hat. Actually being unique is an entirely different thing from actually being rich, and most rock stars have already given up on trying to mix both dreams. Here's hoping Twisterbait reach the second goal as well.
So play I Spy at your next party!
As long as it's a pretty obnoxious party.