The Johns - Wanna Dance Review
by Dan MacIntosh

The Johns make snotty, largely unpleasant music. Johnny Pizzolato sings these ten songs like a teenager who's had one too many Dr. Pepper. What's worse, this CD sounds like it was recorded in mono. The mix is that muddy. The Johns sound like punk rockers that love old time rock & roll. Pizzolato comes off like Jarvis Cocker -- but without all his intelligence. And it seems like every song is rushed; as though listeners might not realize how bad it all is if the group only finished each track quickly. Not so fast, buddy! Unfortunately, The Johns is too apt a name for this group because this is a disc I'd quickly flush down my household john, except I'd hate to see the plumber's bill.Editor's Note: This band out of New York should not be confused with the So Cal super-group featuring members of Die Hunns, The Pushers, The Grabbers, The Bleeders, The Crowd and the Adz
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