Strix Vega - Drunken Sky Review
by Kevin Wierzbicki

Two things primarily define Strix Vega and they both come from singer/guitarist Colin Begell. Begell's guitar work is obviously influenced by Neil Young's style around the time of his Zuma and On the Beach albums. For nken Sky Begell filters Young's sound in the same way you might hear it on a Dinosaur Jr. record---flipped around a bit but there's no mistaking the lineage. Begell's other asset is his singing style, a sort of half-sung half-spoken mumble that recalls lots of different folks; Jerry Garcia on "Tides," Dylan on "Shady Oak" and Curt Kirkwood of the Meat Puppets on "Luck Runs Dry" and "Drunken Sky." Begell takes his time getting through the first half of nken Sky, filling space with luxuriously distorted guitar and throwing in a blues harp solo here and a pedal steel riff there. The album's second half finds the tempo picking up beginning with a grunge-y tune called "Amber-Eyed Girl" and moving into the similarly-paced "Con Man" and "Thousand Mile Summer." Brian Godwin and Andy Powell round out Strix Vega and they do a good job holding down the bottom but Begell is in the lead here and clearly he knows where he's going.
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