Semi Precious Weapons - We Love You Review
by Kevin Wierzbicki

"Her hair, her hair, her hair is on fire!" Semi Precious Weapons singer Justin Tranter is referring to an out-of-control party girl when he uses those words on "Her Hair is on Fire" but Tranter may just be guilty of lighting the flame. The mischievous singer has many of the same qualities as Ziggy Stardust-era David Bowie; he likes to play dress-up with his fashion and with his music. But SPW are by no means posers; when Tranter puts on his high-heel platforms he's ready to kick out the glams to a Led Zeppelin riff on "Taste," preen like Bowie on "Magnetic Baby" and take an over-anxious groupie down a few pegs on "Jesus." Aaron Lee Tasjan's garage-y guitar playing is an important part of SPW's sound and the perfect foil for Tranter's debauched stories; this is the kind of stuff you point to when somebody says "rock is dead." We Love You was produced by Tony Visconti, the veteran who's worked with Bowie, T. Rex, Thin Lizzy and Morrissey to name but a few; at this pace it won't be long before Semi Precious Weapons take their place alongside those legends.
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