Sebastian Bach - Angel Down Review
by Zane Ewton

The career of Sebastian Bach is unlike any other in rockdom. As the lead singer of Skid Row he became an overnight sensation, then a lightning rod for idiot rock star behaviour. Skid Row released 2 records then fell to the hammer of grunge. Bach followed a very un-metal route across Broadway stages, reality television and the Gilmore Girls. With his newest solo record Bach chainsaws the image of him singing at a 13-year-old's birthday party on the cancelled show with too much talking. Angel Down is a relentless metal record that slams together sounds of the old and the new schools. At 14 tracks it is too long. Relentless can become tiresome after half an hour. Bach should have scrapped four or five songs that would make the handful of keepers that much better. With some sheet metal riffs – borrowed from Iron Maiden and a some of the faceless modern rock bands – Bach's voice cuts above the wall of noize in fine, shrieking form. Bach managed a special treat as well. If you listen closely a Monsieur Axl rose provides backing vocals on several tracks and shares lead on a cover of the Aerosmith classic "Back in the Saddle." By removing the yee-haws and clip-clops that made the original borderline ridiculous, and by turning up the guitars, Bach and Rose wail like its 1988. Bach threw in a couple unnecessary ballads but the actual meat of the record is firm and tasty. Like a decent steak from a dirty steakhouse.
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