Zane gives us pithy reviews of new releases from II Big- Moros Eros- Disastroid- Eliot Carlson Botero- The Spoon Benders- ShenightII Big – Face in the Glass
2.5 stars
II Big touts itself as "brand new classic rock." Not much about Face in the Glass is brand new, or classic – or rock, for that matter. The men of II Big are a little long in the tooth to be poised for rock and roll stardom. However, they are tight bar band with some smooth melodies that will appease hung-over bartenders cleaning up before the happy hour rush. Mild and pleasant – music to wipe up the barstools the morning after.
Moros Eros – Jealous Me Was Killed by Curiosity
3 Stars
There is much to be enjoyed in the sounds of Moros Eros. Melodies shimmer nicely and the riffs get aggressive in all the right places. The beats are the same three beats every alternative rock band with a dancey vibe has used this decade. The vocals are forgettable. The songs probably transfer well in a live setting, as long as the guitars are loud.
3 stars
What a bizarre little punk/funk/blues jam. The five tracks on the Disastroid EP include a number of influences, but it is unclear why they are there. On the first song, "Broken," the band seems to dumb it down into plain-Jane territory. They redeem themselves later but it is hard not to think Disastroid is not playing it safe. They could be a better band, a smarter band. I would like to see more of that.
Eliot Carlson Botero – Parasite: A Love Story
3 stars
Like a bargain basement mad scientist, Elliot Carlson Botero pieced together the 15 songs of Parasite with a computer, pro tools and his guitar. The hackneyed dance beats and quasi-industrial rhythms threaten to pull the plug on a promising record. The moments of actual songwriting are compelling; Botero can lay down a groove and the right mood. The extra baggage should have stayed on the basement floor.
The Spoon Benders – Resurrecting the Giants
3 stars
Is this a hippie jam band? Is it bluesy stoner rock? Is it a jazzy singer songwriter vibe? The Spoon Benders seem to be all of that and much more. Principle songwriter, vocalist, guitarist and occasional organist Matt Winfree runs the show with a quality performance in all previously named categories.
The liner notes list a few bars in Southern Florida that the Spoon Benders frequent. You better check them out before they get too big for those woods.
2.5 stars
Rock and roll should not be about image, but SHENIGHT's press photos are creepy – not in a cool, evil way either. They seem like a bunch of regular guys with a pretty good band whose girlfriends talked them into glamming it up for the record cover with tight black clothes and a splash of makeup.
Despite the unfortunate EP art, the band makes good on three songs with a European dark romantic vibe and an industrial edge. With that being said, maybe the album art is perfect.