The Melvins - Nude with Boots Review
by Kevin Wierzbicki

The Melvins have changed members so many times during their 25-year history that the first order of business when it comes to discussing a new release is the line-up. There would be no Melvins, of course, without Buzz "King Buzzo" Osborne and he still leads the band along with his long-time cohort, drummer Dale Crover; second drummer Coady Willis and bassist Jared Warren round out the quartet this time around. The group has made tons of adjustments to their sound over the years too; these days the favorite is a gloomy darkness that stops just short of doom metal. Buzzo gives the murk lots of flavor though; "Suicide in Progress" is informed by '70s southern rock, "Billy Fish" is quirky prog-rock like you might hear on a Primus record and the title cut with it's huge two-drummer flourish hints at the early days of the Who. "Dies Iraea" puts an interesting accent on doom as Buzzo lays a "spaghetti western" theme over a sludgy drone and comes up with the perfect soundtrack for a shootout at high noon, provided that the gunslingers are cyborgs and the showdown takes place in downtown Hell. "It Tastes Better Than the Truth" is laden with disembodied voices, "Dog Island" is a short doom-in-space instrumental and cryptic lyrics, false endings and weirdo effects are, as expected, in plentiful supply throughout.
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