MGMT - Oracular Spectacular Review

Space Aged Glam Hedonistic Rebellion. It is difficult psychologically to mesh all the elements brought forth by MGMT. The 80s found popularity for rockers who made themselves up as women, but there were still the metal guitars and the big hair chicks to convince the world that this early, over the top form of metrosexuality was acceptable. Oracular Spectacular sounds more like Ace of Base than The Flaming Lips, but the popularity of theatrical eunuch psychedelia is apparent based on the underground success of bands like Fiery Furnaces. In "The Youth", MGMT arrogantly believes they've achieved a post-apocalyptic state with the assertion that "the youth is starting to change", and to the youthful indie seeking a new sound this may seem like emasculation never heard before. Trust me though, the Oracular Spectacular is only popped up, drugged out, angst added M83, which isn't all that different than less intelligent Jamiroquai for the insecure and less funky (and we could keep looking backwards from there). This album may be recalled 20 years from now when the next generation comes up with the new "spectacular" sound, and those that listened to MGMT struggle to recall that band who sounded almost identical while they laugh at the "new" claim. Tracks added to iPod: ummmm….? (If any, Electric Feel would be the one)
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