Last American Buffalo - Marquis For The Debutante Review

Most of us have had those relationships with the perfect mate who somehow did not feel perfect. The one who impresses friends, family, and even strangers, yet does not impress you the same way. And finally, the one who causes many puzzled looks and headshaking from loved ones when you finally break it off. Last American Buffalo is much like that boyfriend/girlfriend. Marquis for the Debutante is constructed well, presented well, plus a pleasant listen, yet, given all its attractiveness (and draw), there is no reason to deeply care or respect the disc in its entirety.Combining the retro groove of The Strokes, the new wave drive of The Bravery, and the emotions of Counting Crows, Last American Buffalo is a mixed drink for the Alternative palate. Book ended by its best, and most varied, efforts, "Breaking Up Mine" pops off at a brick-less Ben Folds pace. It is the rocked out bell bottom glossed out on Teen Throb magazine that cool kids secretly admire. I think Lydia Lunch once talked about how new bands are so stupid because they try to retread sounds (like it's cool), when they weren't even the cool songs in the first place. Marquis for the Debutante mostly exemplifies this point, but "Breaking Up Mine" is an exception. "Sunshine", a processional hymn, also bares some Dylanesque innards, well overdue following the faηade of the plastic rhythms preceding it. Marquis for the Debutante tend to show gentility, nobility, and formality. Similarly, Last American Buffalo has the clothes to play the part, yet, underneath its construction, its hierarchical sound displays little in the sense of intestinal fortitude. Tracks added to iPod: Breaking Up Mine, Sunshine
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