Elevation - Strangelove Review
by Kevin Wierzbicki

Strangelove starts off with "Intro" and "So into You," a couple of pieces of unimpressive emo. Just when you think the disc is lost to that overly-familiar sound though, Elevation toss a sharp curve ball in the form of "Let it Ring Out." The anthem to personal freedom mixes things up through a beefed-up guitar presence (including a vibrato-heavy opening), a very brief drum nod to Led Zeppelin and sparkling attitude and production throughout. The song gives way to another goodie, a pop-rocker called "Razoreyes" that bounces along with a '70s disco beat and carefree background "ooh-oohs." Unfortunately that's about all there is of interest on Strangelove; eight same-old, same-old emo tracks follow with "Fading Away" taking the cake for extra-schmaltziness. A bit of redemption comes near album's end with "White Stars," a tune where the band approximates an Oasis-style rocker. Songwriting credits are given to the entire band but I have the feeling that there's one person who's trying to keep the band from falling into the typical emo trap and hopefully we'll hear more of that person's influence next time out.
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