Releasing The Warriors newest offering "Genuine Sense of Outrage" is the best possible thing Victory Records could have done. Not only is this a solid hardcore release, but it is played out by a band who isn't trying to copy their hardcore predecessors, they're standing side by side with them. Garnering the help of the likes of SOIA's Lou Koller, Andrew from Comeback Kid, and the rock god himself, Lemmy Kilmister, The Warriors are no joke. Even without the help of the aforementioned who's-who of hardcore and metal, The Warriors stand on their own two feet just fine.
"Genuine Sense
." is a non-stop barrage of hardcore brutality that brings to mind former Victory mainstays like Strife, Earth Crisis, and Integrity. Even if one tried not liking this album, it would be hard for that feeling to remain, as "Genuine Sense.." jerks the listener in with such ferocity, it's hard to believe a broken neck doesn't result.
If you pass up every other Victory Records release this year, do yourself a favor and make this album your exception.