As I Lay Dying - An Ocean Between Us Review
by Matthew Hastie

A few years ago I heard of a band called As I Lay Dying from a friend of mine. He has a strict Christian and I wondered about this band, but he kept telling me how amazing they were. I borrowed his copy of "Frail Words Collapse" and have been hooked by this "Christian Metal/Hardcore" ever since. I know many will turn away simply because the word Christian is in the genre, because apparently it's cool to bash on religion, however many will soon find why bands like As I Lay Dying can be Christian and possibly be the next lords of Metal. As I Lay Dying like many metal bands focus on the sheer brutality and ferocity of their music. There is a difference between lumping them in any generic metal band in that they are just as well known for their deeply personal lyrics and huge soaring choruses. I was a little apprehensive to this album before I listened due to the departure of the band's bass player and backing vocals, Clint Norris. The vocal melodies were always perfect with a stark contrast between singer Tim Lambesis' deep growls and Norris' singing. However I'm happy to say that band sounds better than ever and the huge choruses are still there thanks to the help of new bassist Josh Gilbert. While "An Ocean Between Us" isn't a departure from their past sound, As I Lay Dying continues to hone their musical craft and come closer to what could be described as a perfect metal album. I'm sure I just pissed off a lot of metal fans with that comment, but metal doesn't always have to be about bodies and doom, though we can all agree that those are great song topics. The CD opens up with the instrumental track "Separation" and then tears into the album's first single "Nothing Left" which will leave a lasting impression of what's to come on the album. Featuring the bands furious guitar work provided by Phil Sgrosso and Nick Hipa and constant double bass by drummer Jordan Mancino, no As I Lay Dying fan will be disappointed. The band stays consistent for the whole album, which is a feat in itself for any band. The album's title track is another outstanding song which could be very radio friendly though it is by no means a tame song. "Forsaken" is one of my favorite songs on the album with its massive lead up and then heading right into a blazing guitar rift and Lambesis' frantic vocals in the verse followed by Gilbert's melodic singing in the chorus. The 2:50 thrash fest of "Comfort Betrays" is also a key track on the album. "I Never Wanted" is a nice heavy dirge that the people are going to love in the mosh pits at shows. As I Lay Dying continue to impress me and each album is better than its predecessor. Cheers to As I Lay Dying!
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