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John Williams To Score Star Wars: Episode VII

(Radio.com) As was the case with the first six movies, John Williams will once again compose the score for the forthcoming Star Wars: Episode VII, directed by J.J. Abrams.

"I've loved doing the Star Wars films with all the fanfares and flourish," says Williams in a video posted to the official Star Wars website. The 'galaxy far, far away' I feel like I'm still in it."

John Williams' involvement in the film marks the latest in a series of throwbacks to the original series. Original trilogy stars Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford are also expected to appear on screen for the film's 2015 release.

Other than that, precious little is known about Episode VII. Even Williams is willfully unaware. "Of course, I haven't seen the script," the composer says in the video interview.

"The story is still unknown to me, the new story. But I can't imagine that there will not be some references to the existing stories that we know that would necessitate, and make appropriate, the use of some of the earlier themes." more on this story

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Copyright Radio.com/CBS Local - Excerpted here with permission.

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