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Great White and Jack Russell Settle Name Dispute

Original Great White frontman Jack Russell has announced that he has reached an agreement with Great White to settle litigation over the use of the band's name.

Jack Russell's Great White Pirates Page for Russell's version of the band posted the following news on their Facebook page on Tuesday, "In March, 2012, Russell sued his former bandmates Mark Kendall, Michael Lardie and Audie Desbrow over their continuing use of 'Great White' after Russell had taken a leave of absence from the band for medical reasons.

"The band countersued, and the parties have been involved in contentious litigation for the last year. After three days of closed-door mediation before U.S. Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle, the parties reached a comprehensive agreement.

"While many of the terms of the agreement will remain confidential, it can be revealed that, going forward, the current Great White band will continue to use the name 'Great White' and Russell will perform under the name 'Jack Russell's Great White'. Facebook link.

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