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J. Cole Apologizes For Controversial Autism Lyric

(Radio.com) In a blog post, rapper J. Cole apologized to people with autism and their families for a lyric found in "Jodeci Freestyle," a collaboration with Drake, who released the track late last month while announcing the September 17 release date of his upcoming third album, Nothing Was the Same.

"Last week, when I first saw a comment from someone outraged about the lyric, I realized right away that what I said was wrong," Cole wrote. "I was instantly embarrassed that I would be ignorant enough to say something so hurtful. What makes the crime worse is that I should have known better."

The offending lyric ("I'm artistic, you n—-s is autistic, retarded") generated a petition from the Anti-Bullying League asking for an apology and for the line to be removed from the song.

"It's time we recognised (sic) people with autism for the exceptional human beings that they are and make a stand," wrote Anna Kennedy, the petition's author.

The petition had reached over 4,100 signatures by the time J. Cole wrote his apology, which was acknowledged by Kennedy after closing the appeal for signatures, adding, "now to remove or dub lyrics please." No word yet if J. Cole will do either of those things.

'To the entire Autism community who expressed outrage, I'm moved and inspired by your passion, and I'm amazed at how strong you are as a unit," Cole said in his apology. "To anyone suffering from Autism, either mildly or severely, I am sorry. I'm bound to make mistakes in my life, but in my heart I just want to spread Love." more on this story

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Copyright Radio.com/CBS Local - Excerpted here with permission.

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