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Lady Gaga Challenged To A $1 Million Sing Off or Boxing Match?

Los Angeles singer/songwriter Alisa Apps has renewed her $1 million challenge to Lady Gaga to face her in a televised singing challenge.

Apps went a little further that challenging Gaga to a battle of the vocal ability, hinting at a desire to enter the boxing ring with Gaga by saying, "I will also be happy to step in the ring and physically knock this ugly monster out."

According to App's announcement, the singing battle would take place at New York's Madison Square Garden or London's O2 Arena, with each singer performing a series of songs.

Who would judge the winner was not spelled out but Apps did issue this statement: "I am very proud to be the first independent artist in the history of this world to have challenged a major label recording artist (Lady Gaga) to a televised sing-off.

"Over the past few months, thousands of people have contacted me via my email and social media sites expressing their anger about Lady Gaga glorifying suicide, drug use and in addition stealing from, and copying other artists.

"In effect, a large part of young Americans are demanding me to be their voice. It is for this reason that I have reinstated my challenge to Lady Gaga.

"Millions of people want me to stop her. Frankly, they want to see me to knock her out cold on live television. It is a fight that I very much want. Not only will I be happy to sing and perform but on behalf of America and the American people I will also be happy to step in the ring and physically knock this ugly monster out.

"She's running scared right now. So, if you see someone who knows her say, 'You're running scared from Alisa Apps. If you ain't got anything to hide then take the challenge. 'Lady Gaga I'm calling you out. Stop ducking me and let's fight."

Apps also posted a video about the challenge that you can watch here.

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