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Jordin Sparks Not Ready To Get Married, Jason's Mother Is

(Hollyscoop) Jordin Sparks tells Hollyscoop that Jason Derulo's mother wants to know when Jason is going to put a ring on Jordin's finger.

"His mom was like 'You know, I'm gonna be 60 soon. I'm not gonna be able to chase around kids' and I was like 'whoa,'" Jordin tells Hollyscoop exclusively at the SAG Awards.

Jordin isn't really on board for marriage YET, she also says kids are a long way off too. "When it happens it'll happen," Jordin says about having kids, "I definitely want to be married first and be with somebody I know I'm gonna be with forever. But I love kids. I would love to have a couple of my own one day."

So cute. In the mean time, Jordin says she and Jason are just working on their long distance relationship, which is a job in itself.

"Well we have a long distance relationship so we really have to make the time we have together count…communication is really key like, 'I really didn't like it when you said that' or 'maybe we can try this and go to this movie at the same time?' I would definitely say compromise and communication for sure." more on this story

Hollyscoop submitted this story.
Copyright Hollyscoop - Excerpted here with permission.

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