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Paul Dano To Play Beach Boys' Brian Wilson In Biopic

(Radio.com) For years, a biopic based on the troubled and triumphant life of the Beach Boys' creative mastermind, Brian Wilson, has been in the works. Now the film, titled Love & Mercy, is charging full speed ahead, casting actor Paul Dano in the role of young Wilson, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The film not only tackles Wilson's early fame with the Beach Boys, but his personal relationships and struggles with mental illness and depression, which lead to his departure from the band by the mid 1970s. Since there is so much ground to cover within Wilson's life, there will be two actors portraying the musician. Dano will portray young Wilson, while a second actor that has yet to be cast will play an older Wilson.

Dano, 28, is best known for his work in the films Little Miss Sunshine and There Will Be Blood; he most recently appeared in the rom-com Ruby Sparks and the thriller Looper. more on this story

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