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Singled Out: Annandale

Today Ashley from Annandale tells us about "This Fight" from their brand new EP "Moving Forward," which was produced by Clint Lowery and Morgan Rose from Sevendust. Here is the story:

An overarching theme of our EP, Moving Forward, is "rebirth, refuge, and self-discovery" and I feel like "This Fight" is a great step toward all of those things for me. I tend to be a bit on the shy side and have a lot of anxiety when it comes to having honest conversations about my thoughts or feelings. I may be screaming on the inside, but it always seems easier to say what someone wants to hear. "This Fight" is my first attempt at pushing myself to overcome this anxiety.

I think everyone has trouble communicating from time to time. Poor communication (or complete lack of it) usually snowballs into misunderstanding, anger, and more anxiety, which are exactly the things we're all trying to avoid when we take the easy way out in a conversation. It's a horrible cycle that isn't easy to break, especially when there's bad communication on both ends of the conversation.

"This Fight" points out how isolating and infuriating this cycle can be. It isn't easy and will definitely take some time, but it's something we can all work on. For me, I know it will take a lot of time, but I plan to keep fighting as long as it takes.
Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself and learn more about the album right here!

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