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Mick Jagger Co-Producing James Brown Movie

(Gibson) A film based on the life of soul legend James Brown is in the works, with Mick Jagger on board as co-producer.

Jagger's production partner on the project, Brian Grazer, recently told Rolling Stone he's had the rights to the project for 12 years.

Grazer's previous production credits include Apollo 13 and A Beautiful Mind. "I like to make movies about mastery and genius," he said, "and it's hard to find great subjects. James Brown is a visually dynamic subject."

Grazer went on to say no decision has been made regarding who will play Brown. "We're going to have to test lots of actors and be determined to pick the right one," he explained.

The producer also expressed admiration and gratitude towards Jagger. "…Mick is so amazing," he said. "For him to decide he's going to participate and split half the money – he's a man of integrity, and I feel pretty good about that." more on this story

Gibson.com is an official news provider for antiMusic.com.

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