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New Pearl Jam Album Out This Year?

There is some hope for Pearl Jam fans that the band will be releasing their new album this year according to comments from guitarist Mike McCready.

McCready was interviewed by Rolling Stone and while the publication did not include the full quote from the guitarist, they do quote him as saying the band hopes to have the album out "this year, for sure." Though his quote sounds far more definite than their "hope" qualification.

The article features several partial quotes from McCready. One states that the band is "working on demos right now and we're going to be recording soon."

"What everybody's been saying is halfway done," he says of the new album. "I think that's true – we have seven songs that are relatively completed. But then we have an additional 15 ready to go aside from any that Eddie brings in, so we'll weed through those."

He also discussed the musical direction of the album and his excitement to once again be working with Brendan O'Brien. Read the report here.

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