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GoDaddy Super Bowl Commercial Star Hoping For A Sequel

(Extra) GoDaddy.com commercial star Jesse Heiman spoke to online interviewer Arthur Kade in this "Extra" exclusive about his infamous kiss with supermodel Bar Rafaeli, his upcoming roles, and hopes for his new dating life.

When asked about shooting the kissing ad, Heiman said, "It took 65 times to get it right… it all felt like one giant kiss to me. They wanted us to focus on getting the time right… I was always in the moment."

Jesse then spoke about his upcoming acting opportunities. "All these offers are coming in to my agents. They are spreading them out on the table and picking the best ones for me."

If GoDaddy asked him to do a sequel, the 34-year-old said the next person on his kiss list is "Original GoDaddy girl, Candice Michelle." Extra

Extra submitted this story.
Copyright Extra - Excerpted here with permission.

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