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Dina Lohan Discusses Rumors About Lindsay and Her Family

(Extra) "Extra" host Mario Lopez sat down for an exclusive one on one interview with Dina Lohan. Dina answered questions about the rumors surrounding Lindsay and her family as well as opened up about her life as a single mother and her upcoming book, "A Parent Trapped."

Mario, "Do you think trouble seems to find Lindsay or Lindsay finds trouble?" Dina, "A little bit of both, I really think she's a target and since I am a single parent, I think they think there's a weaker link that she doesn't have as much protection around her."

Dina is taking strides to protect Lindsay who has left Los Angeles to live in New York closer to her family. Dina, "So we are all in New York, finally I have been trying to get her out of here for five years." Mario, "So you like having her at home?" Dina, "Oh yes, she's safer at home."

Dina by Lindsay's side for her latest probation violation hearing where she dodged jail time yet again. The two reportedly turned down from two hotels when they arrived in Los Angeles, Mario, "What's the deal with the
hotels?" Dina, "That was so silly, we got in really later, we got to the hotel and there were so many paparazzi so we opted out. We went to another hotel, the suites were full and then we went, we ended up at the Beverly Hills Hotel."

Dina went on to say she is sick of being a tabloid target, calling herself the most misunderstood mom in America, which she is going to address in her new tell all book, "A Parent Trapped," which will detail all of the Lohan family drama, including her relationship with ex-husband Michael Lohan.

Mario, "Is there a message you want to get across in the book?" Dina, "Yes, I feel like I'm the victim of domestic violence for years, so if I can save a life or change a life, I want it to be a helpful book."

A delicate subject for Dina is her relationship with Michael. Mario, "Are you and Michael co-parents?" Dina, "I don't really want to speak about that on camera, but I've been a single mom my whole life. I've had sole custody and my other three have had no relationship with him." Dina went on to say, "I'm always hopeful things will get better and slowly, but surely hopefully they are."

Dina is also hoping that Lindsay can clear up her legal problems when she goes to court in March. Another thing Dina would like to do, "Dancing with The Stars." more on this story

Extra submitted this story.
Copyright Extra - Excerpted here with permission.

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