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Ron Jeremy Currently on Respirator After Heart Aneurysm

Ron Jeremy is currently on a respirator at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center after undergoing two emergency surgeries this week to treat a heart aneurysm.

The Daily News spoke with Jeremy's 94-year-old father Arnold Hyatt about his condition, "Right now everything is in a holding pattern," Hyatt said. "He's heavily sedated and intubated. The doctors are waiting to see what develops. They anticipate it will be two or three days before they take him off the respirator."

An unnamed source reported to be close to Jeremy told TMZ, "Ron is in ICU and will be there for a few days but and will remain at the hospital for at least 2 weeks until doctors can see how he reacts to the surgeries."

As we reported on Thursday, The 59-year-old actor drove himself to Cedars-Sinai hospital early Wednesday morning after experiencing severe chest pain.

Doctors discovered the aneurysm after examining him, placed him in the Intensive Care Unit of the hospital and then performed the surgeries. Read the Daily News report for more details.

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