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How a Party at Pete Wentz's Gave Plain White T's Their Big Break

(Radio.com) When the Plain White T's had a night off from Warped Tour in 2006, they headed to their friend Pete Wentz's new house in L.A. for the Fall Out Boy bassist's housewarming party.

The band had just mastered their fourth album, Every Second Counts, and had no idea that a chance meeting at the party would lead to hearing the album's first single "Hate (I Really Don't Like You)" on the radio the very next day.

"We show up to Pete's place and our A&R guy was there. As soon as we walk in he's like, 'Oh, that girl works for KROQ, she does programming for KROQ,'" frontman Tom Higgenson recalled of meeting Lisa Worden, assistant programming director and music director at KROQ Los Angeles (a Radio.com station).

"Me being buzzed, I went right up to her and was like, 'Hey, I'm Tom from Plain White T's.' And she's like, 'Oh, I've heard of you guys!' So we made her listen to the new single that we just got mastered that day."

"The next day, I woke up super hungover to a text from the A&R guy: 'On KROQ, call me,'" Higgenson continued. "They [KROQ] heard it the next morning, played it that day. Driving around later that day we got to hear it. It was badass."

Radio.com is an official news provider for antiMusic.com.
Copyright Radio.com/CBS Local - Excerpted here with permission.

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