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The Cult of Luna Going On Hiatus

The Cult of Luna has announced that after a hectic 2013 they will be going on a semi-hiatus next year, but they assure fans that they are not breaking up and will return.

The group posted a message on their Facebook page on Tuesday announcing the move. They told fans "The Beyond the redshift festival in London on may the 10th will be a very special show for Cult of Luna. It will mark the end of an era and after that we will slowly disappear before we reappear again in some form in some indefinite future."

That message caused fans to worry about the band's future, so they posted this follow up message: "The Cult of Luna is not breaking up, the Swedish post-metal band made it clear today that their output will be unpredictable going forward. Here's the official word:

"We are not quitting. 2013 have been a very active year for us and neither do we want or think it is good to continue in that pace. We will not be a band that put out an album every 18-24 month anymore. We did that for almost 10 years when we were younger and were able to focus more on the music. After 'Beyond the Redshift' we might do a festival or two but after that we have nothing planned. Maybe we'll release another album next year or maybe in a decade, we honestly don't know. Sooner or later we will return in one form or another. Cult of Luna will not die."

Cult of Luna Tour Dates/Tickets

Cult of Luna CDs, DVDs and MP3s

Cult of Luna T-shirts and Posters

Cult of Luna CDs, vinyl and rarities

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