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Megadeth, Anthrax, A Perfect Circle Supergroup

David Ellefson of Megadeth and Frank Bello of Anthrax have announced that they have formed a new group that also includes Jeff Friedl (A Perfect Circle).

The new group is called Altitudes & Attitude and will be releasing their self-titled, three-track EP on January 14th that will feature songs written by Bello and David Ellefson.

The project grew out of Bello and Ellefson teaming up to write music together while they were both involved with the Metal Masters clinics. "What started out as simple bass ideas quickly developed into some really great songs together," says Ellefson. "Our fans would probably never suspect that a couple of metal bass players would have songs like these inside of us.

"It's exciting to write melody with diversity while still pushing the limits of lead-bass playing. Frank's singing, and both of us playing guitars and other instruments, gave us a whole new dimension for creative opportunities."

"We thought it would be cool to let fans hear something they wouldn't expect from us- which is what Altitudes & Attitude is," adds Bello.

The EP features a guest appearance from Gus G. who plays lead guitar on the song "Here Again". For the full EP, Bello is credited with Lead vocals, electric guitar, 8 string bass guitar. Ellefson plays 4, 5 and 8 string bass guitars, rhythm guitars and Friedl plays drums and percussion.

"Booze & Cigarettes"
"Tell The World"
"Here Again"

Altitudes Attitude Tour Dates/Tickets

Altitudes Attitude CDs, DVDs and MP3s

Altitudes Attitude T-shirts and Posters

Altitudes Attitude CDs, vinyl and rarities

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