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Zakk Wylde Speaks Out About A Rod Doping Scandal

Black Label Society frontman and former Ozzy Osbourne guitarist Zakk Wylde was the featured guest on the latest episode of Talking Metal and the talk actually ventured away from metal and over to third base as Wylde shared his views about the Alex Rodriguez doping scandal.

Here is what he had to say about the matter, "I just thought it is kind of weird. Didn't he just go through this 4 years ago when the Yankees won the World Series? Remember he came out and said 'I tried it for awhile and it was wrong of me and I shouldn't have done it but I know this wasn't making my numbers go up and it wasn't like I was hitting the ball any further so I just stopped doing it. Maybe I wasn't even doing it right to begin with or taking the right stuff. Who knows if it was even phony' and he goes 'I am not on anything right now so whatever.'

"And it just seemed like it was over. It was like he came out and didn't lie and everyone was fine with that. Now all of a sudden they are going after him again so I don't understand it. I really don't.

"Put it this way, if he takes a piss test, blood test and a hair sample and there is nothing in his system then who the f**k cares? Does anyone have any blood, hair or urine samples from whenever they thought he was taking it in 2001 and 2002?

"It is like 'no, we don't have any evidence' then who can you put this guy in jail? You don't have the murder weapon, you don't have any blood, you don't have any evidence, no fingerprints. OJ, they had evidence. A Rod they have no evidence." Check out the full episode here.

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