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Elton John Picks Lady Gaga As His Children's Godmother

(Extra) "Extra" caught up with Sir Elton John and David Furnish a rare interview. The couple who were honored by The American Fertility Association telling "Extra's" Terri Seymour all about life with children Zachary and Elijah.

Elton explained if it was not for the association it would not be possible for them to have children. "Five years ago we never thought we'd have a family… This organization has enabled us to have two children who we absolutely adore, and are the best things that have ever happened to us!"

Elton stated the couple's two boys, Zachary, age two and Elijah, who was born in January, have changed their lives forever. When asked, "What's been the biggest change?" Elton replied, "I love getting up in the morning and having breakfast with Zachary. They're very portable, it's lovely to take them around the world…The biggest change for me, everything I thought I would find annoying about having children, like screaming and shouting, and tantrums…I don't find any of it annoying, I find it all enchanting." David added, "You learn so much about yourself and about life by seeing children."

Elton went on to say that Zachary loves being a big brother, "He loves his younger brother… Zachary's all boy, Elijah is very Zen." Elton revealed he knows all about typical kids stuff, "Listen, I can tell you all about Bob the Builder, Thomas the Tank, because I sit down and watch it with him."

As far as who is the best diaper changer David wins, Elton is good with the bath. "I'm a good bath cleaner…A ritual I love is six-thirty 'tubby time.' I know every children's book back to front…Even in Las Vegas, he has his bath backstage, now we have to bathe two of them backstage." The couple tries to take the children wherever they travel, when they can't they Skype with them.

Both Elton and David consider themselves strict, agreeing the kids are going to have to earn their own money. David, "It's important they grow up with a sense of values. Things in life come from hard work and dedication." Elton who is the godfather of two of the Beckham's boys said that David and Victoria are great parents, "They are the best behaved kids, they have great sense of values, they are not spoiled."

Elton and David broke news about baby Elijah's godmother, revealing that Lady Gaga who is Zachary's godmother is Elijah's as well. Elton, "She's a great role model, she's young, she's been a great godmother to Zachary, she came to bath him in Las Vegas. She was already dressed to go to the show, and she was sitting there and she bathed him, and she was like dressed like Audrey Hepburn…and she fed him…We're all bonkers in this business, but we're human beings at the same time."

Terri asked whether the couple would have a baby girl. Elton: "If we wanted three we would love to have a girl, two is enough." Extra

Extra submitted this story.
Copyright Extra - Excerpted here with permission.

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