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Jack White Giving Fans Rare Opportunity on Record Store Day

Record Store Day ambassador Jack White will be celebrating this year's event by allowing the fans to make their very own record at his Third Man Records shop in Nashville.

This Saturday, April 20th, is Record Store Day and White has announced that he will unveil a refurbished 1947 Voice-o-Graph machine at his record store.

The machine allows fans to record up to 2 minutes of audio which is then dispensed on a one-of-a-kind 6" phonograph disc. Fans are then invited to submit digital versions of their recording to Third Man Records for a special page on their website which will share the streams with the world.

White directed a promotional video for the booth that stars Raconteur Brendan Benson who uses the booth in the clip to record a ballad that he wrote specifically for the Third Man Record Booth. You can check it out here.

Jack White had this to say, "In one of my final acts as Record Store Day ambassador, I encourage everyone who comes to the Third Man Record Store in Nashville to be able to hear themselves on a vinyl record, and maybe even mail it to someone they love."

"Actively venturing to your local record shop is one of those honors and privileges in this life that we just shouldn't take for granted. Certain beautiful experiences can only happen in the environment of a record store and I just thought that nothing could drive that point home more than a one-of-a-kind machine that lets you not only record your own vinyl record, but send it to anyone, anywhere in the world to share a song, poem, or private message with. I know those warm, scratchy tones send tingles up (and sometimes down) MY spine.

"Even if you aren't instrumentally inclined, you could hold up an iphone playing a song and sing along with the music and combine the best of all worlds tangible, digital, and romantic. And for those still skeptical or not sure if they're brave enough to do it, think of it this way; it's almost the same thing as illegally downloading an mp3 and emailing it to someone. well..., almost. Enjoy record store day everyone. I hope that you find that special song and someone makes you smile in the process."

The Third Man Record Store in Nashville will also play host to live performances from Karen Elson and Mark Watrous on Record Store Day and will be selling special limited edition colored vinyl copies of the White Stripes album "Elephant."

For fans on the West Coast, Third Man will also be celebrating Record Store Day in Palm Springs with a pop-up shop and live performances at the Ace Hotel as part of their 10-day Desert Gold event.

Jack White Tour Dates/Tickets

Jack White CDs, DVDs and MP3s

Jack White T-shirts and Posters

Jack White CDs, vinyl and rarities

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