Singled Out: Ugly Kid Joe's I'm Alright
. The song was written about sort of an imaginary character who's lifestyle vaguely resembles that of a semi-retired (washed up) rock star who lives alone with all his demons. While some might think his lonely hermit like existence may be sad, he is at one with his lifestyle, enjoying the simple pleasures. He is OK, but the irony is that he is not great- not totally sad, but not totally happy-sort of an in limbo state of "Alrightness". The songs original idea and riff came about a few years after the bands initial break up. It was put on the shelf but immediately came to mind when the band began writing for the reunion record. An old demo was found of the basic idea and the band jumped on it and hashed it out, rearranging, writing a new bridge, and altering a lyric here and there within a few days of and during the recording. Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself and check out the official video here and learn more about the album right here!
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