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Middle Class Rut Set New Release Date For New Album

Middle Class Rut have pushed back the release date of their new album, Pick Up Your Head" to June 25th from the original May 21st.

The album was self-produced by the band and mixed by Dave Sardy (Johnny Cash, LCD Soundsystem, Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds).

Vocalist/guitarist Zack says the new album is "an evolution of a lot of ideas we had as the writing for No Name No Color was winding down. I think we exhausted what we could do in the confines of just drums/guitars/vocals. Once we embraced the idea that anything goes, the songs poured out."

You can check out the video for the album's first single, "Aunt Betty" here.

Middle Class Rut Tour Dates/Tickets

Middle Class Rut CDs, DVDs and MP3s

Middle Class Rut T-shirts and Posters

Middle Class Rut CDs, vinyl and rarities

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