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Singled Out: Silas Fermoy

Today Joshua Mash from Silas Fermoy tells us about their single "Lights Burn Bright" from their debut EP "Chapters," which is being released today. Here is the story:

"Lights Burn Bright" was written at a point in my life when things really started coming together. This was the song that started the band pretty much. All thoughts of music came from this walk home at 6am up 1st avenue to the subway.

When Jordan and I first met we were working until about 2am at a bar in the east village. We became close pretty quick and got into a regular routine of hitting a specific bar after work until about 6-7am.

I had been in New York for about 3 years at this point and up until then had been flying pretty solo as far as music or friendship goes so it was a nice change to suddenly be surrounded by a bunch of people and conversation...I'm naturally a night owl so the fact that this all happened in the wee hours of the morning went hand in hand!

We were attracted to this particular bar because the bartender Dom used to play really chill wind down music at this time of night, stuff like Bon Iver and The Fleet Foxes. It was perfect for us, just getting out of a hectic night we were never in the mood to go crazy. It'd hit 2am and he'd shut off the regular radio that played through the early evening, turn the lights down low and plug his laptop in which had unbelievably huge selection of indie music on it! He'd call this time "Dombiance". We'd laugh as new people walked in and he'd say "Welcome to the Dombiance!"

It would hit 6-7am and we'd come out of that front door onto first avenue and it would be beautiful! The sky would be turning that perfect ethereal blue that comes with sunset, the wind would be blowing just perfect so it wasn't too hot or cold...and the street lights above your head mixed with the sky would be incredible!

I couldn't take my eyes off the street lights walking home sometimes. I thought it was amazing that if (and most people don't) you happened to catch THESE lights, with THIS sky, at THIS time of the morning...you were able to feel like this. All thoughts would drift from my head and I'd just enjoy that walk.

The first time it happened I was so taken back i went home and stayed up till early afternoon the next day writing Lights Burn Bright.

Jordan came over the next day and laid his bass line down and left immediately to go to work... I stayed on producing around it for a few hours and emailed what I'd done to Jordan before heading to work myself. When I got to work the expression on his face was pretty great! He was amazed at how it had turned out and we agreed to do another track together...

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself and learn more about the album right here!

Silas Fermoy Tour Dates/Tickets

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Silas Fermoy CDs, vinyl and rarities

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