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Sammy Hagar Open To Van Halen Reunion

Sammy Hagar doesn't appear to hold any grudges against Eddie Van Halen and is in fact open to reuniting with Van Halen under the right circumstances, which would he hints include Michael Anthony taking part.

Hagar was asked by Vegas Rocks what he would say to Van Halen if they met today. He responded, "Well, right now I'd say, 'Wow. Great. I've seen some pictures of you recently. You look like you're healthy and doing great.

"I'm really proud of you and I'd like to see you continue doing that. Here's my phone number. Call me up if you wanna hang and just have some fun and goof off.'"

"And whatever that led to," he continued, "I wouldn't say, 'Hey, let's get together and do it again,' because you would have to do that slow, because I would never do it again under the last circumstances. But I would do it again under different circumstances.

"So it'd be like that. And then I would also say, 'And also here's Mikey's [Michael Anthony] phone numbers with mine.'"

Check out the video interview to hear more including what he would do if he knew it was his last day on earth here.

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