(Classic Rock) An Australian radio station has prompted speculation that Soundgarden and Pearl Jam are planning a joint tour in 2013, leading to double duties for Matt Cameron, who plays drums in both bands.Radar Music believe they've made sense of the jigsaw – they suggest the only way for Cameron to be available for both tours is if they took place simultaneously. And the only thing standing in the way of Pearl Jam hitting the road was they didn't have an album to follow 2009′s Backspacer.
The station says: "Matt has confirmed on multiple occasions that he's not leaving Pearl Jam, and that he's committed to Soundgarden. If he is staying on with both, it could mean only one thing: a Soundgarden and Pearl Jam world tour.
"However we were still missing a key ingredient – a new Pearl Jam album. The tour could only take place if that was on the cares. Cue guitarist Jeff Ament confirming this month that they're half-way through, and on track for an early 2013 release. more on this story