Today Jets Overhead vocalist Antonia Freybe-Smith tells us about the title track from their brand new album "Boredom and Joy". Here is the story:It feels like a delicate luxury to realize that something in your life can evoke both boredom and joy; or to realize that experiencing boredom can be joyful, and experiencing joy can be boring. And thank heavens. If it was simpler, it would probably feel wrong.
We wrote this song together as a band in our basement rehearsal space in the spring of 2011. It bubbled with energy right away and felt a bit like it wrote itself. I think we all walked around with the verse's bass and guitar riff thumping around in our heads for weeks, and that felt wonderful.
The lyrics morphed together afterwards – inspired from both Adam's memories of the joy of having all the time in the world to be bored outside as a kid, following the river through the woods to see where it goes and from a Leonard Cohen poem about the slow, tender, tedious, tenuous love between two married people: the boredom and joy found in the long story of love.
Under the guidance of our fearless producer, Emery Dobyns, and his electric New York City command center, the simmering energy of the song blossomed into a strange pulsating rock jam that also felt wonderful and unlike anything we had ever recorded.
Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself and learn more about the album right here!