(TMZ) Lil Wayne ain't fazed one bit by the hilarious deposition tapes that surfaced last week -- telling friends, the footage makes him look like a BOSS ... and he's glad people got a taste of his twisted sense of humor.TMZ posted the amazing clips last Tuesday ... in which Weezy answers multiple questions by a lawyer for Quincy Jones III -- the guy who Wayne's suing over a documentary film about the rapper ... a film Wayne called "scandalous" and wants to eradicate.
During the deposition, Wayne spouts off hilarious one-liner after one-liner -- calling one of the lawyer's questions "the stupidest ever," and recalling his own performance at some "crazy stupid thick" girl's birthday party.
Sources close to Wayne tell us, everyone in the rapper's camp thinks the tapes are hilarious.
We're told Wayne believes he answered the questions astutely -- and if anyone looks dumb, it's Quincy's lawyer ... who asked all the wrong questions in the depo.
As one source put it, Wayne "is still winning." more on this story