Today legendary former Uriah Heep vocalist John Lawton tells us about the song "The Search" from the brand new John Lawton & Diana Express album "The Power Of Mind". Here is the story:To pick a particular song from this album is difficult as they are all good in their own right...
It came down to 2 if I had to pick any from the 2 I have gone for "The Search". This track stood out for me the very first time I heard the album. I was given a copy of the album Power Of Mind sung in Bulgarian, which was where the original songs were recorded. I think it's the intro on acoustic and the change over to strings and piano...very simple but relaxing. But then into the mix is added the female vocal line very ethereal and hypnotic...And once more back to the acoustic augmented with the rest of the band...truly a great song to sing. But so are they all...
Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself and learn more about the album right here!