Todd Rundgren plans to celebrate his 65th birthday (June 22) with Toddstock II v6.5. The event will be held on June 17-22 at the historic Nottoway Plantation & Resort in White Castle, Louisiana.
"By popular demand, the summer solstice bacchanal known as Toddstock will descend like locusts upon the unsuspecting landscape," says Rundgren. "This year, we target an innocent Louisiana plantation a stone's throw from New Orleans. Come while the week away in the heart of Dixie."
Todd explains what attendees can expect at Toddstock II v6.5: "We're hoping that our more centralized location will allow 'Stockers to contribute infrastructure of their own devising -- tents are cool, but kissing booths are cooler! Bring your own sushi bar! Go nuts!"
You can get more details here.