(TMZ) TMZ has learned the former football star Terrell Owens took a major hit on his Georgia condo ... selling it off for nearly HALF of what he paid for it. T.O. -- whose finances have taken a turn for the worse as of late -- has been dumping his real-estate collection right and left (both his Miami and Dallas condos were already sold) ... and now he finally unloaded his 1,060 square-foot Atlanta home.
The deal wasn't so great for T.O. -- he purchased the home back in 2005 for $324,600 and then listed it in 2011, where it sat on the market for over a year. He finally unloaded it earlier this month for a mere $180k.
But it's a steal for the new owner ... the home has 2-bedrooms, 2-baths ... and amenities like a 24/7 concierge service, rooftop pool, fitness center, yoga studio and a club room -- with Xbox & Playstation. more on this story