(TMZ) Edward Furlong is officially unemployed after his domestic violence arrest at LAX Tuesday morning -- because TMZ has learned, producers have dropped him from his new film.Furlong was scheduled to catch a flight to Detroit before the arrest -- where filming for his new movie "Misled" was supposed to begin last Thursday -- but was arrested instead ... after allegedly getting physical with his girlfriend during an argument.
Furlong obviously missed his flight as a result, and according to a producer for his new movie, he also missed important rehearsals and wardrobe prep as well.
Now, the producer -- Scott Baldyga -- tells TMZ, they're already recasting Furlong's role. Scott tells us, "I love Eddie. I think he's a great actor, but we are two days away from shooting and we have another guy to cast in his place. And we aren't going to lose any sleep over this." more on this story