(TMZ) He can't drink ... but MTV's still taking another fat chance on The Situation -- casting him on Season 6 of "Jersey Shore" after his rehab stint for substance abuse -- and somehow, Abercrombie & Fitch is involved.Here's how it all comes together: Situation just filed new legal docs in his ongoing battle with the clothing company over GTL-themed apparel. In the docs, Situation begs the judge in the case to let him skip an impending court date ... scheduled for June 14th.
The significance of that date -- Sitch says MTV has tapped him to return for another season of "Jersey Shore," which tapes from May 22nd to July 7th.
Sitch says he's required to be present at the "Jersey Shore" house 24/7 -- so he'd be violating his MTV contract by showing up in court.
Side note: Sitch also says he wants in excess of $10 million from A&F for trademark infringement. A judge has yet to make a decision on the court date issue.
Bottom line -- Situation's coming back ... more sober than ever! Woo. more on this story